January - Garnet

Posted on 03 October 2024

January (in Latin, Ianuarius) is named after the Latin word for door (ianua), since January is the door to the year. The month is conventionally thought of as being named after Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions in Roman mythology, but according to ancient Roman farmers' almanacs Juno was the tutelary deity of the month.

Powered by the number one, January has all the prospects for being favourable, although not without its challenges. Unity, trust and a commitment to work with yourself or others is the key to January’s energy.

The birthstone for January is the garnet. The name “garnet” is derived from the Latin “granatum” meaning “pomegranate” because the crystals resemble the fruit’s red colour and seed-like form. Most people think of the garnet as a red gemstone, but in fact, it exists in all kinds of colours – such as black – as well as many shades of red and green. It can even be colourless.



The garnet’s variety of colours comes from metals such as manganese, iron, calcium, and aluminium. Some varieties even contain mineral fibers that produce the illusion of a four- or six-rayed star within the stone. Green garnets are most highly prized but are very rare. Emerald green and colourless stones are highly valued, followed by pure red garnets.



Legends and folklore place garnet among the most ancient of talismans. Not only was it prized as an ornamental jewel, but its curative powers and protective energies made it invaluable. Garnet is known to enhance creativity and intensify relationships.



If January is your birth month why not take a look at our stunning Garnet collection by clicking here



Star signs for January: Capricorn & Aquarius
Birth Flower: Carnation
Colours: Deep Red, Pale Pink, Green



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